Administrator reviews Smart City Projects

Smart City Mission in the meeting held today i.e.29.1.2019 .

Chandigarh , January 29:- Sh.  V.P. Singh Badnore,Governor ,Punjab and Administrator ,U.T., Chandigarh  reviewed  various  projects under Smart City Mission in the meeting held  today i.e.29.1.2019 . The Advisor to Administrator ,Sh.Manoj  Kumar Parida briefed about the Smart city mission for the city Chandigarh. The Commissioner Sh.K.K.Yadav made detailed presentation and  apprised that the pilot project for 24×7 water supply system alongwith Smart water metering has been  approved at the cost of Rs.164 crores for Manimajra area catering to  population of more than one lakh  .In the infrastructural  part of this project ,the rising main pipe 2.5 km and distribution pipe line 15 km will be replaced with new pipeline and 7 new Over head tank reservoir(OHSR)  will be constructed alongwith the upgradation of pumping machinery and provision of SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) to  ensure 24×7 supply of water to the residents of Manimajra.

He further explained that with Smart water metering  ,the water losses in the distribution system will be identified and there will be reduction in the non revenue water and  the apparent  losses   due to illegal use , in  inaccuracy in meters , meter reading errors ,data handling and billing errors  will be eliminated. The technical bid of both these works will be opened on 11th Feb.2019.

Similarly the project for 24×7 water supply for the PAN city at a cost of Rs.550 crore is also under approval for seeking the loan from the AFD( French Development  agency)  and  for that a French  delegation for the 14th session of the India –France Joint working group (JWG) on sustainable Urban development  is visiting the city on 31.1.2019  to further chart road map for the success of this  project.

The Commissioner who is also the  CEO ,Chandigarh Smart City Limited explained for  upgradation of treatment  facility at STPs for recycled water and also to meet  the latest norms of CPCB  for discharging effluent into the rivers, 5 no..STPs are being upgraded at a cost of Rs.808 crores which also include construction of a  new STP at  of 2 MLD capacity at Kishangarh.  The effluent from the STP at Kishangarh will be used for filling up of Sukhna Lake during dry weather and latest MBR technology is being used for  producing effluent of very high quality .  The recycled water from STPs will be used for gardening, watering the road sites, green belts, washing of roads and vehicles and for industrial process. The tenders for this work will be received on 11.2.2019 and the project will be completed within a period of 2 years . All  the STPs will be maintained by the same agency for a period of 15 years.

The CEO ,CSCL further explained that the pubic bike sharing scheme in Chandigarh will be implemented for the entire city  and for this purpose 617 bicycles docking stations have been identified with total of 5000 cycles in first phase. The project is targeted to be in place within 12  months. The project will be executed on PPP mode at estimated cost of Rs.20 crore in which the operator will responsible for design, engineering, procurement ,financing ,construction ,operation and maintenance for a period of 11 years. The  user  will  take out the bicycle from one location for ride to  particular destination and drop the cycle at  destination. The objective of the project are to encourage the last mile connectivity, reduce the traffic congestion  and up holding the healthy life style  of the citizens. The tendrs for this work will be opened on 5.2.2019.

The plant will  have two LPG gas fired incinerators one for small  animals and one for big animals. Also the waste from the slaughter house  as  well as  the waste from meat market Sec.21 which is approximately 1500 kl  per day will be incinerated   in this plant thereby reducing the foul smell from the drains. Tenders for this projects will be opened on 11.2.2019.

For the convenience of the general public, the e-governance system will be introduced in the city where all the Municipal services like Fire NOC , Horticulture, Water supply, sewage Storm connection, booking of community halls , birth and death certificate, on line building plan approval of estate office ,M.C. and Chandigarh Housing Board etc. etc. will be available on line. The MC office will also be converted   in the e-office where all the wings of MC will be working on-line inside the MC office .There is also provision of integration of any other service with e-governance system. The  Commissioner, explained that the tenders for this project has been called and bids are due to be received on 11.2.2019 .

The earlier day, on 28.1.2019 , the MOU was signed with BEL(Bharat Electronics Limited)  a PSU of Govt of India  for setting up of integrated command and control centre (ICCC) in the city wherein the components  like city surveillance through fixed/PTZ cameras , intelligent traffic management  system alongwith adaptive  traffic control  system will be provided to ensure the safety of the citizens as well as to manage the traffic on  real time basis.   The Commissioner explained that the  sensors will also be installed at  10 locations to indicate the quality of the air in the city and the dynamic messages  signs at  40 locations will be set up to inform the general public of any event  and new development in the city as well as to guide then about the route on which they are travelling. All the important places like markets, public parks, schools, colleges, community  centres will be covered through CCTV Surveillance .

The project will be set up at  a cost of Rs.184 crore and the services like smart lighting , smart parking, public bike sharing, CTU services, tax/bus services etc. etc. will be integrated  with this command centre to know real time status.  The Hon’ble Governor enquired about the legacy waste bio mining  of dumping ground at Dadu Majra The Commissioner explained that about 5 lac tones of the Municipal solid waste is  lying dumped at Dadumajra that  will be bio- mined  for which the project has been approved by  the Board of Directors of Smart City Limited under the Chairmanship of Adviser to the Administrator .

The governor  directed the officers to visit Indore and other cities where different models of Legacy Waste Booming are being executed .The CEO ,CSCL informed that a team from Municipal Corporation  along with Mayor will be  visiting Indore in the first week of Feb.2019 to study the models . Hon’ble Governor directed to expedite the allotment of all the works so that on ground work is started at the earliest.


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