FOSWAC: Meeting was held in community centre sector 19

FOSWAC: Meeting was held in community centre sector 19

Chandigarh 27 jan 2019, The Executive Committee Meeting of ‘Federation of Sectors Welfare Association Chandigarh’ (FOSWAC) was held in community centre sector 19 on Sunday 27th January, 2019. Under the chairmanship of Sh. Baljinder Singh Bittu.

After customary welcome of the participants, the General Secretary Mr. J S Gogia apprised the house that the delegation of FOSWAC met the commissioner MC, Mr. K. K. Yadav IAS on 25th January, 2019 regarding bye laws of ‘Garbage collection’ According to the commissioner the bye laws are yet to be passed by the house of MC which shall take some time; however they are bound to get it implemented by March 2019. Further he opined that there are around forty thousand houses which do not have RWAs, therefore their work of garbage collection may be taken over by the MC directly. The garbage collectors are going to have their own registration with the authorities and some work would be managed by them. MC would welcome if registered RWAs come forward to manage their own affairs provided they follow the guideline of MC.’ At this point of discussion Mr. J S Gogia added that the RWAs cannot succeed without the  infrastructural support of MC as they do not have huge investment for this purpose. MC should invest in providing the trucks/tippers/Reri’s etc. and other requisite infrastructure if they really want to succeed in it.

The chairman Sh. Baljinder Singh Bittu raised the basic issue that MC should analyse the reason for mushroom growth of vendors, from where they come from in largenumber.He said that the vendors in Sector 11,15,19,20, 22,23, 24, 27,28, 38 etc were rehabilitated earlier by allotting booths to them, these sectors should not be burdened again by allotting space to the vendors. He further said that there are businessmen and financers who have created groups of 10- 15 vendors (Phari’s) in each sector who operate in connivance of MC officials and police. He opined that the availability of Parking space should be given top priority before allotting any space to the vendors and no vending zone should be created near the residential area. He said that it is really surprising that why the MC kept mum for years on vendors issue, they have neither tried to control their rapid growth nor they made any policy to deal with them, rather they facilitate their illegal activities. Under the circumstances FOSWAC would be left with no alternative but to demonstrate in front of MC or would sit on dharna.

 Further he said that the management of garbage collection is the primarily the duty of MC and not the RWAs.The door to door garbage should be collected by M.C. free of cost and if any charges are required to be imposed that charges should be very nominal and should be fixed in consultation with the respective RWA’s of that sector. He criticized the Chandigarh Administration, Municipal Corporation and other departments for not implementing the Right to Service Act.

Mr. K S Panchhi informed that the venders cannot be removed from sector 17 as the matter is subjudice in the court. The markets of sectors 22, 19 & 15 are the worst affected by the venders. Mr. Rajinder Mohan Kashayap from sector 22 said that there are two types of venders. The venders with essential services like cobblers, washer men, and vegetable / fruit sellers are the poor venders which need to be accommodated, but the other category (Rich Venders) who are doing full-fledged business of cloth, garments, toys, home décor etc. are shopkeepers, should not be allotted space.

While on discussion, an important issue was raised by Mr. KK Aggarwal Patron of FOSWAC, from Manimajra and Mr. V K Nirmal from sector 44 that the land allotted by CHB does not belong to MC; therefore MC does not have any right to allot CHB land to vendors at all. The CHB allotees are paying leasemoney of that land and MC has no right to interfear and create vending Zones there.

Mr. Pardeep Chopra from sector 21 raised a pertinent issue on illegal road side Dhabas’ in the city. There is no control on their quality of food they cook and serve under unhighgenic conditions. They are playing with the health of people at large besides encroachment of public space. The MOH must ensure that the quality food is served to the people even at roadside eateries.

Coming to the traffic issue, Mr. R S Gill secretary FOSWAC said that the traffic police are issuing tickets ruthlessly to the ladies and handicapped persons even where there is no parking space. Mr. Amardeep Singh president of RWA sector 39 shared his observation that the timers at light point crossings need to be recalculated for smooth passage of traffic.

Mr. Gogia, invited attention towards tardy implementation of Citizen Charter in the city despite our repeated requests. This would have been implemented in all departments of MC, Estate office, CHB, police, education and health wherever the public service is warranted. This issue would be taken up with administration afresh.


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